Monday, September 27, 2010

GO MAD Monday

Do you remember a few weeks ago when I was pondering why it was so hard to see if I had done anything to make a difference? I wondered if I was simply so self-absorbed I couldn't even begin to think of meeting a need in someone else, or was I merely spending all my time pouring myself into others, making a difference in their life that nothing came immediately to mind.  (You can find that post here)

Today I was so self-absorbed, I completely forgot about GO MAD Monday.

I am in the process of slowing decluttering my house. I love it. I love seeing things go out the door in some form or fashion. I have had garage sales and I've found my best friend, Craigslist. I have had some measure of success selling things using that service. Some items I have had to list multiple times before they sell, but for the most part I'm incredibly happy with craigslist.

A few weeks ago or so I re-listed my canning jars. I don't can at all. I have tried. I've tried making my own jam but honestly, it's not for me unless I have someone to can with me. And all my canning buddies have left me.

I had a fairly large box of canning jars and lids. And since canning season is upon us I thought they would go quickly. But several days went by and no one seemed interested.

Last week I received an email from a girl wondering if I still had them. We emailed back and forth one morning and I discovered she didn't live locally, she had an 8 month old baby, was in school full-time, she has three boys, one with Aspergers, lives in the country and works part-time.

And she was asking for my address so she could mapquest it to see how far she would have to drive. I offered to meet her halfway.

We met in a small town and I gave her the jars. She was happy to get them. And probably happy she didn't have to drive three hours round-trip to get them.

I know I probably spent more getting there than I made, and finances are tight but I can't help but think I ministered to her somehow by meeting her. And I know it was a God-thing because who in the name of getting rid of things and making a few dollars, drives 90 miles (round trip) to deliver jars, knowing it would cost them all the money they should be making?

(my apologies for the disjointedness of this post....we are fully entrenched in our school day and I had multiple interruptions to my thought processes)

What did you do to GO MAD Monday?

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